What's Scarier Than Halloween?

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Tonight a group of us handed out flyers on Mt. Vernon Street in Prescott while everybody was trick or treating.  This is a huge annual event in Prescott so we decided to act on a suggestion of handing out flyers in hopes of raising awareness about Heather's upcoming brain surgery and the urgent need to raise funds.   Of course, we attached a piece of candy to the flyer to make it more appealing to those receiving it. 

The really cool thing about this adventure is that my friend's 8-year old kid insisted on constant supply of flyers so that he could give them to the people he was accepting candy from.  Talk about amazing!  Most kids only care about the candy they are getting .... and here's an 8-year old that wants to give back and help another person he only met tonight!   This kid's selfless act was very humbling!

We handed out 400 flyers tonight and had some fun as well.  With God's help, we may have gained a few more donors tonight!

The Surgeon's Response

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Good morning world!

Well, at least I thought it was until I read an email message from my neurosurgeon. I had sent him and email on Thursday night asking for a few suggestions on ways to help fund my surgery. His response? Anything but stellar. He informed me that I can put off my surgery until late Winter, when I can get health insurance.

Apparently, he is not aware how the health insurance system works. I can't get it until AFTER this is corrected (and I informed him of such). I have been told by both private and government insurance companies that they will NOT even consider me until AFTER my surgery is complete and I am free from complications from it. So, unless he knows something that I don't about the health insurance system (which I highly doubt at this point), then, it's still going on.

Surgery is STILL going to happen. And that is only because of people who are helping to raise money (like you) so that I can under go it.

So, thanks, YOU. :)

Welcome Video

Friday, October 29, 2010

This is a video, introducing myself and the surgery that I will be having. This is a real video of me, in my home, with my dog. I wanted to bring this whole issue to life, make it more personal. So, please feel free to share this with others in whatever medium you choose.

Thanks for watching.

Neurology Visit and Surgery Scheduled

Saturday, October 23, 2010

On the 15th, Heather and I met with the neurosurgeon who will be performing the surgery.  Dr. Rekate is very experienced in dealing with chiari malformations.  We are fortunate to get him since he is leaving for the Chiari Insitute in January.

The surgery has been scheduled for November 18th.